“All disease begins in the gut.”


This phrase was proclaimed by Hippocrates over 2,500 years ago, and many years later, his statement still rings true in relation to our ongoing efforts to understand our bodies. The concept of going “upstream” to discover the origin of our patients’ ailments has often led us to issues beginning in the gut. Gut-related symptoms like bloating, gas, irregular bowel movements (diarrhea, urgency, or constipation) and cramping, all compromise quality of life. If these symptoms are left unattended for an extended period of time, potential “downstream” problems often develop due to the crucial gut lining not functioning properly. These can include heightened inflammation and toxin load with decreased immune strength. Inflammation can then be triggered in other parts of the body, such as joints, bones, skin, heart tissue and the brain.

Scientific understanding of our body’s diverse microbiome and how it synchronizes with the complicated function of our gut has advanced tremendously over the last several years. With this new understanding comes the realization of a these key concepts which we feel form the foundation for regaining a healthy gut:

  • Food is Information

    This presents a whole new way of thinking about everything you put in your mouth! Food is more than simply a source of nutrients, calories, minerals, vitamins or antioxidants — it serves as a means of communication between our bodies and what we consume. It contains little packets of mRNA (i.e. genetic information) in the form of exosomes, to help us adapt and modify processes to maintain our health. So, the next time you contemplate what to snack on, think about which might offer better advice to your cells – those Doritos bagged in a factory or that apple straight off a tree?

  • Our Biome is Our Partner

    The biome helps our bodies break down and absorb foods. It is also important to recognize and value the symbiosis offered by the billions of microbes inside our GI tract (and all throughout our bodies) when evaluating our diets. A healthy diet consists of taking in foods which are enjoyable to us AND to our microbe buddies. Although we may occasionally eat food not essential, or even harmful, to these microbes, we can maintain a good level of health with biome-friendly foods, such as:

    • Almonds

    • Bananas

    • Blueberries

    • Brussel sprouts

    • Garlic

    • Ginger

    • Kombucha

    • Miso

    • Olive oil

    • Sourdough

    • Yogurt

  • Owning Your Signature Biome 

    There are plenty of claims out there as to which species of microbes are the most beneficial and the most harmful to our bodies. Some of them are definitively pathogenic at certain levels, however, we are all born with a unique signature biome. Our individual colonies begin to be defined while we are in utero and continue to develop after birth and beyond. We should strive to promote the beneficial bugs which seem to like our internal environment, not necessarily conform to pre-determined percentages of species. To that end, emphasizing dietary habits which continually support these partner organisms is a better long-term strategy than trying to introduce “new kids to the block.”

  • The Integrity of Our Biome

    We must remain keenly aware of how modern lifestyle practices and food choices impact not only our biome but the greater community. Where we buy our food is a huge determining factor on the nature of that impact. Purchasing groceries from local, organic, regenerative sources is the absolute best we can do for ourselves and the planet. When that is not possible, we need to weigh certain factors, such as:

    • The chemical content (pesticides, preservatives, and other additives)

    • How far the food has traveled from its origin

    • Where the industry support comes from

    • The sustainability of its production

This should not lead to stress around eating, quite the contrary. A consciousness around our food choices should be a source of added pleasure knowing that we are making healthy and sustainable decisions.

Alpine Apothecary’s Gut Health Consultations

These consultations aim to help patients alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and improve their quality of life by strengthening the gut barrier and avoiding these “downstream” issues. Our Gut Health Consultation will require some effort and willingness to make dietary modifications (some potentially only short-term) and possibly the addition of select supplements. However, the long-term goal is to create an individualized dietary and lifestyle plan. We will always remain mindful of emotional attachments and beliefs so that these adjustments are sustainable and support a healthy relationship with food. Beyond getting folks to feel better, we want patients to remain feeling happy by creating a plan that will be easy to stick to and is in balance with one’s life and the environment.

We are now scheduling one-hour consultations on Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. MT. Please contact us for more information or to schedule your appointment, today!


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